Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Learning to be a Horse Again

Here we are ready for the fall. For Indy it has been a whirlwind five months! New home, new life, and his bi g reveal! Now, it is time to slow down and just get about the business of remembering how to just be a horse. Safe and sound with Dixie and his new friend Huey, whose owner is Cassie, the daughter of Darren Lutz of Haulin Hooves, the three of them are settled in at their new home.

They are in stalls lined up with one another and they love it. Roger, the groom turns Dixie and Indy out in the morning and brings them back in at night. They are thrilled to be able to run and play and just stretch and lay out in the sun. Who knew they would become so close?

I think it is a love match! They seem to be happy with each other... wouldn't you agree? Indy seems to be happy and enjoys eating his Alfalfa and whatever he can steal from Huey and Dixie. I think he is happy here, at least, he hasn't said otherwise.
Terry Phankuchen, Indy's Ferrier, came by on Friday and took his shoes off. He is is a little sore footed but I guess he will get used to it. It is me that hates to see him uncomfortable in any way.
Anyway, we are just enjoying getting settled in and look forward to the next six or seven months of rest and relaxation. Winter vacation is here, Indy! Time to play, gain weight, have fun being barefoot and loving your new life!

Just kicking it with my ladies
So, as always, we will keep you posted how we are doing. It seems like it it might be pretty quiet around here, but we will be in touch.

Until then,  Happy Trails!