Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life Begins Again

It's almost Thanksgiving time and we have alot to be thankful for. Indy is doing great! Our lives are very quiet these days. Indy spends his days in the warm sunshine in a very big turnout with his favorite girl Dixie. He gets a bath once a week and his food twice a day and his most favorite thing ever, his bucket!

He has made great strides and I think the choice to give him the winter off to "just learn to be a horse again" was the right way to go. Let me take you back a minute...

                                          Remember this photo? This was taken May4, 2011.

                                         Look at him now! This was taken October 15, 2011.

Looks like a happy, loved horse. You know, I hope that everyone that sees this will find the courage to make a call to help any animal that needs help. Please be courageous! Indy made it because he is courageous. He and I are together because he inspires me to be brave! This horse was dying when he came into my life and today, I still can't believe he will be in my life for many years to come.

It's going to be a cool winter and we will continue to do what we are doing, turn outs, self exercising and lunging in tack. While he isn't being ridden, I am working hard to become the rider Indy deserves. I am riding daily, exercising and doing what I can to make sure that when the time comes, Indy and I are the best we can be together. Like I said, he inspires me everyday!

Happy, healthy and safe! Thats what all of God's kids want. Indy and I are happy, healthy and safe.

So, if we don't get back to you before Thanksgiving, take some time this holiday to give some thought to the people and things in your life that you are grateful for. Indy and I do that most everyday...we are grateful!!!

So, until then, happy trails and happy holiday!

                                      Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am grateful for my life!
                                                                       Love, Indy

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