Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Learning to Trust

Indy has been at Fieldstonse for little over a week. He has been a busy boy, thats for sure. Now in a box stall, it has been just the first of many things to get adjusted to. When he arrived, he had hoof issues. First, he had a bad case of thrush. He needed a bath and he had somehow manged to get his left rear leg to look like a tree trunk. Terry, our Farrier, thought it to be an abcess. Katie tried to poltice but Indy got so frightened he popped the cross ties and tried to run off. So, Katie removed the poltice and just let him be. We decided to just give him a quiet week to get used to his new home. He is now on the Greenfeed Systems Hydroponically grown feed and three way hay twice a day. He seems to be unwinding just a little bit.
Getting him in the wash rack was another story. It took about 20 minutes for him to decide to walk in one step at a time. He did it though! The second time it seemed to only take 10 minutes, so, he is making progress.
He gets a big ring turn out most everyday and loves to roll. I found out that he can trot a lunge circle without a lunge line and he does it perfectly.
On Thursday of last week, he started to play with me in the ring. He would chase me and when I would stop and turn to look at him, he would get low in the front and pop up, throwing his head and run off waiting for me to chase him. We love that!
I see him everyday and everyday I feel just a little bit more horse there. It isn't to say that he doesn't have a long way to go, but there is a horse in there. I walk him around the barn where other horses are being tacked up and even over to the jumper ring for him to watch. He still is a little nervous, but he calmed down enough to be in a conversation with other people while we are walking. Initially, he wasn't able to stand still without having to be walked around in a circle. Now, he stands perfectly still and wants to be in the conversation.
He still is the best planter I have ever seen. When he gets nervous, he plants!!!! All the pulling in the world won't get him to move! That is when my patience has to kick in. I just give him three soft tugs on the lead rope and turn my back to him. It's a good thing he is so darn nosey or we would never get anywhere.
So, this is the beginning of week two. New week, new adventure!
Please keep following us and I will keep you posted!!!

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