Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today was a great day for Indy!  He is doing extremely well.  His trainer thinks he's gained about 50-lbs in the last 10-days.  The farrier thinks it could be around 75-pounds.  I'll list his improvements since he started on Green Feed Systems fresh sprouts 10-days ago:

  • Noticable weight gain
  • Improved demeanor -- he is no longer agitated
  • Bright-eyed and curious
  • Reduced swelling in his left rear leg with the bone spur
  • No longer sore-footed.
  • Hoof abcess is healed without medication or bandages
  • Has grown enough hoof to attach a shoe. (He stood like a soldier the entire time.  He was well-mannered.)
  • Hives are gone.
  • HUGE improvement on the lameness.  The horse trots almost sound!  And he's quite a good mover.
  • Starting to get a blush (sheen) to his coat
  • He is in love with himself – that is a big sign that he is feeling much better. 
  •  Starting to have left over hay in his stall which means that he is digesting his food better
  • And this might sound funny, but he's starting to make friends with the other horses.  That is a sign that he is settling in
  • Indy showed no detrimental side-effects when he started on Green Feed Systems fresh sprouts and this was a horse that was starved.  He had a very delicate digestive tract and very acidic. 

Those are the pros which are many in such a short span of time.  The difference in Indy on Green Feed Systems has been drastic and immediate.  This is what we want to see!  But Indy still has about 150lbs to gain. 

Michelle Pacyna at Fieldstone Riding Club evaluated him today.   As soon as Indy gets used to having shoes on again, she will start doing some exercises with him without a rider so he can build up some muscle.  Michelle loves a project and she is very much looking forward to getting Indy back into form.

"Getting new Nikes!"

Videographers came out to tape Indy’s visit with the farrier Terry Pfankuchen.  Terry has generously donated his time and supplies to saving Indy.  He gave us a great tutorial today on shoeing.  He really did an amazing job.  The only sad thing is that it's been so long since Indy had shoes on that they felt strange to him.  He walked off a little funky.  But all and all, Indy is making tremendous strides!

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