Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Indy's Big Reveal

Here is a little bit of the festivities on Sunday, August 28, 2011. Indy had his big day!! Indy represented all of the horses that are currently in need. He made it but there are thousands of horses out there who are still struggling.
Please contact the Heart of a Horse Foundation and see how you can help. It just takes one phone call to help a horse in need. That is how Indy made it! A concerned animal lover made a phone call to the ASPCA and Indy was on the road to recovery. Please help any way you can.

Please contact, and find out how you can help.

Indy and I thank you in advance!

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