Indy's Generous Benefactors: Green Feed Systems, Heart of a Horse Foundation, Fieldstone Riding Club, Pfankuchen Horseshoeing, Sound Hoof Products, Calabasas Saddlery, Haulin Hooves, Inc.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Life is an Adventure!

We are so sorry that it has taken so long to update our blog, but, boy, have we been busy! Indy has just blossomed. Having gained a tremendous amount of weight, pride and confidence! While we have been waiting for his weight to go up to get him back to work, he has been getting lunged three times a week and spends quite a bit of time in the turn out visiting with all of his wonderful friends, both two and four legged. It is apparent that Indy has changed his life. I wonder sometimes how he made it through? He is a tough guy and had the spirit and the drive to get through everything that happened to him. That is just the metal he is made of. He could have let go, but he never did and that is how he has handled his life changing efforts. I have the utmost respect and love for this horse! His strength, tolerance, desire and faith that his life is worth something, are all alive and well in Indy today! Full of confidence, pride and love, he and I have watched each other grow. Indy is bright eyed and ready for adventure.
Indy recently had his hocks injected, got all of his vaccines and dewormed. We are grateful to Heart of the Horse, April Horowitz and Dr. Kevin Smith for making this possible. Prior to this, I was concerned about why Indy, when standing, would rock from one leg to the next. He would do this for hours. Wearing away the shavings in his stall and mining a trench in the turn out. The rocking is a self soothing behavior, much akin to a child sucking it's thumb. Being no stranger to a belly ache from being hungry and being in pain, apparently from his left rear leg,  it is no mystery how he came to making this behavior his. Having his hocks injected and a donated adjustment from Equine Chiropractor, Kenneth L. Belsly, DC, this rocking behavior has completely disappeared. Whew! One more issue resolved! Indy, now, eats every bit of food that is offered him and will be happy to help you with anything extra that you might have.
                                Indy and I at the Fieldstone Home Show helping to raise donations
                                                              to help horses in need                                  

August 28th is the date for Indy's big reveal at the Santa Barbara Polo Grounds! The Bombardier West Coast Polo Finals is going to be a big event for Indy and The Heart of a Horse Foundation. April Horowitz, Founder and Director of Heart of a Horse, came out and spent the day with us out at Fieldstone Riding Club in Moorpark, also where Indy lives. We collected donations as Indy visited with participants and their families at the Fieldstone homeshow. Just a few months ago, Indy would have hidden himself away in the back corner of the turn out and hung his head in shame. Today, Indy loves having people pet him, eating treats and getting into every conversation, but, Indy and I always find time to have a quiet moment with each other. He always looks to see where I am and, believe me, I am very rarely, very far away. We rely on each other! I love him and he loves me and all of his angels and that is the way it's supposed to be, right?

We are grateful for all of our angels; April Horowitz and Heart of a Horse for saying yes and not letting Indy fall through the cracks, yet again. Green Feed Systems for their sponsorship. Dr. Kevin Smith for his his care and encouragement. Terry Pfankuchen  and Sound Hoof Products for Indy's healthy feet and legs. Michelle Pacyna and Fieldstone Riding Club for not making rescuing Indy just about getting him healthy, but more importantly, making him successful! Darren Lutz and Haulin Hooves for being Indy's limousine service. We couldn't have gotten to this point without all of these people and their time and donations. Yet, there are many people who have loved on Indy and encouraged all of through this.

Now, we are at the end of this. Indy was only planning on being with us until the 28th of August at which time Green Feed Systems would relinquish their sponsorship and Indy was to go up for adoption. Well, life has a funny way of moving things around. With a new lease on life and a new life at Fieldstone, I am planning to try and keep Indy here permanently. Now, you need to know that this is the biggest commitment I have ever made in my life! Indy and I have built a bond that I have never experienced, but it will all be fine. There are concerns and worries that keep me awake from time to time, but isn't life about living it? Isn't it about trusting that God has a plan and when presented with the opportunity to say "yes" to be part of it, it's a good thing? Well, Indy took a leap of faith trusting all of us when doing that in the past was so disappointing for him, and now it is my turn to take the same leap and trust God.

So, please join us on Sunday, August 28th at the Bombardier Pacific Coast Polo Finals and meet Indy and say hello. Please go to for all of the details. It's going to be a wonderful day!!!

Well, here we are again! Indy and I are off on another adventure!! Can you believe it? Another one!!!!! We'll keep you posted!

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